X is the X word in the incoming line.
Ex: You are hit by a sword. !WD{2} is are
Save the word number Y in the incoming line into spot X of the array.
You may then use !PUT{X} to send the saved word back into the events or triggers.
Ex: !GET{0|2} (This gets the second word and saves it into location 0)
Ex: !PUT{0} (This puts the stored word from location 0 back into your event or trigger)
Return the first direction in the data (North, South, East, West ...)
Ex: !DIR{}
X is the file name of the sound file to play.
Will support any file types supported by windows media player including WAV, MP3, and AVI
Ex: !PLAY{C:\Sounds\Sounds.wav}
X is the file name of the application you would like to run.
Ex: !RUN{C:\WinNT\System32\Calc.exe}
End the currently running wizard script. No parameters are needed.
X is the number of seconds to wait before sending in the event.
WizHunter also supports this command. (Slice;!WAIT{7};Slice)
Ex: Fire !WAIT{5} (5 seconds will pass before "Fire" is sent to the wizard.)
Write the execution of a trigger or event to a log.
Ex: !LOG{}
Randomly select one of a group of events. Separate the events by |
Ex: !RAND{Smile|Laugh|forage;put !WD{5} in my back}
X is the profile you would like to switch to.
If Y is set to 1 then the profile will save before switching.
EX: !SWITCH{Default|1}
Delay sending given outputs separate by |. Control the delay timer in options.
EX: !DELAY{Load bow|Aim hog|Fire|search hog|get coin;smile}
Stop sending outputs until X is in the income. Message.
Ex: !WF{find nothing.}
Clear all events stored in the queue.
Ex: !CLEAR{}
Pause/Resume the wizards script
Ex: !SP{}
Enter Rest mode. Ctrl + R must be set to {rest}
Ex: !REST{}
Call Function X using variables Y and Z. You may use an unlimited number of variables.
Ex: !CALL{Skin|wolf}
Write data Z to a file named X. File will be placed in the applications directory.
Set Y to 1 to append to the file, anything else will overwrite it.
Ex: !WRITE{Revenge.txt|1|!WD{1} has advanced on you}
Set word Y into position X of the array
Ex: !SET{0|Hello}
Returns the number of times X is within the income. Data
Ex: !COUNT{Pelt}
Do Y X times.
Ex: !DO{5|get pelt;put pelt in pack}
Returns 1 if true and 0 if false for the equivalency between X and Y
5 > 2 is True .... 5 < 2 is False
If one or both of the items are not numeric false is returned.
Returns 1 if X is a number, 0 if not.
Supports almost any mathimatical equasion.
Ex: !MATH{5+10-((6/3)+1)}
Get the current Time.
Ex: !TIME{}
Get the current Date.
Ex: !DATE{}
Enable\Disable Trigger tagged X.
0 is enabled
1 is disabled
Ex: !TAG{Hide|1}
Send X to the wizard right away.
Ex: !NOW{Quit}
Disable WizTrigger.
Close the wizard at a given time.
Ex: !CWIZ{7:30am}
Toggle automatic roundtime processing. 1 = on, 0 = off
Ex: !RT{1} (Enable automatic roundtime processing)
Grab X words after the first instance of Y
Ex: !WDR{3|X words} (Would return "after the first" if used on the above line)
Grab X words before the first instance of Y
Ex: !WDL{3|of Y} (Would return "the first instance" if used on the above line)
Change variable X to Y. Variables are listed in the variables section of Options.
To use this properly please remove the % from the variable.
Ex: !CHANGE{weapon|sword} (Change the %weapon variable to sword)
Removes garbage characters from data.
These characters include . , ? ! " and '
Ex: !CLEAN{This, is. a test!} (Would return This is a test)
Grab the words between X and Y in the income. Data
Use ! to stop the search word from being part of your result
Use # followed by a number to grab a word number
Ex: !STRING{!Cat|Dog} (Grab the words between cat and dog. Exclude Cat from results)
Ex: !STRING{!Cat|!Dog} (Grab the words between cat and dog. Exclude Cat and Dog from results)
Ex: !STRING{Cat|!#4} (Grab the words between Cat and the 4th word. Exclude the 4th word from the results)
If the next income. Message contains X do the event Y.
X may include multiple statements separate by ;
If the first letter in X is a &, all items must be true to execute the event.
You may use ! to declare a NOT statement before each word.
Ex: !NEXT{Large Tree|Smile} (If Large Tree is within the next line send Smile)
Ex: !NEXT{Large;Tree|Smile} (If Large OR Tree are within the next line send Smile)
Ex: !NEXT{&Large;Tree|Smile} (If Large AND Tree are within the next line send Smile)
Ex: !NEXT{Large;!Tree|Smile} (If Large is in the next line OR tree is NOT in the next line send Smile)
If Y is within X then execute Z.
If X is set to # it will be replaced by the current incoming data
Ex: !IF{#|Large Tree|Smile} (If Large Tree is within the income. Data send Smile)
Ex: !IF{#|Large;Tree|Smile} (If Large OR Tree are within the income. Data send Smile)
Ex: !IF{Tree|&Large;!WD{1}|Smile} (If Large AND Tree are within Tree send Smile)
Ex: !IF{Tree|Large;!Tree|Smile} (If Large OR NOT tree are within Tree send Smile)